Sat next to the strangest guy on the subway yesterday morning.
I was sitting on one of the two-seaters, where you can't get out to the doors unless the person next to you moves. So this guy carrying several large bags or whatever sat down next to me, and after a little while he asked me, "Are you going anywhere any time soon?" (as he would have to move his bags and things to let me out). So I said, "Uh, St. George" (St. George being the station I get off at).
Then he asked, "Did you bring a ladder with you?" And I thought it was some sort of joke, so, you know, I started to laugh politely..but then realized he was actually waiting for me to answer. "No," I replied quickly. "Oh, so you must be going for an inside job, then." ...To which I had absolutely no answer. I had noooo idea what he was talking about anymore... I was just thinking, "Hey, guy, I'm just on my way to the university for my damned 9am class..." Anyway, that was the strangest part of our little conversation (mostly, he just talked randomly, and if he asked me anything I'd answer... the whole encounter was less than 10 minutes long, anyway)...
I had other stuff to say here, but me being a bit sleep-deprived at the mo, I can't seem to remember. Ah well. Maybe I'll remember for next time...